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Saturday, April 30, 2011


Dear Fellow Trader,

I bet you are wondering:

"What is The Forex Revolution?"

You've probably heard a lot by now. There have been rumors and talk flying around for months. The excitement has been building.

People know that there is something different going on here.

But what is different about this? Why is this a game changing new system?

Well ... Now it is time to unveil The Forex Revolution.

Now it is time to show you what has been happening underground.

We are about to show you an inside peek at the revolution.

A backstage access to see for yourself why this is the biggest undertaking to hit the forex market... ever.

We are going to show you why the forex revolution is a machine, a movement... a monster that is churning out money.

We are going to show you...

...why the revolution is a new and never seen before approach to taking the forex market hands on and shaking more money from it than you can imagine.

You see - that is why we are here. That is what we stand for.

We are a team. We make money… TOGETHER

David Photo
However, first things first - Who am I?

My name is David Heath.

I one of the main traders behind The Forex Revolution.

My title is “Chief Strategist” but I generally over see most things; from development to testing.

I have been involved in forex trading for over 6 years now. I have worked for brokers. I have traded personal funds and managed funds. I also work in the futures market (mostly trading the Emini and SPI)


My passion is trading the foreign exchange market using automated forex robots.

Why? Because I am aiming to build up my automated trading portfolio so that I can make a HUGE passive income.

I don't want to work.

In-fact I don't want to trade either.

I want robots to do it for me.

I also want a very large yacht and a house on the waterfront in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua (that’s in the Caribbean). So that is my goal!

Now my chosen path is via the forex markets. The reason is a very simple fact - you can become rich from the foreign exchange markets in a very short time.

...And you can do it on autopilot

...And it is fully SCALABLE.

The amount of money traded on the wholesale forex market is billions of dollars a day. Now.. I'm not pretending that I plan on earning that much! But what it does mean is that the forex market is scalable about as high as it would be possible to go (in terms of income).

My team and I are doing extremely well from our forex robots right now, we are making great money BUT we want to do better.

We want to make even more.

My other… rather lesser passion.. is to get to the point – so lets save you some time and get straight down to it.

Lets start with “The Magic Bullet”.

I have some bad news for you:

There is no such thing as a magic bullet trading system.

In-fact magic bullets generally don’t exist... at all.

“If YOU think that this is a magic bullet forex robot that will make you a fortune overnight I want you to leave now.”

Seriously, please don't waste my time. Just go and buy the latest and greatest marketing BS robot… you'll be disappointed every time.

So.. for those of you still here - there is NO such thing as a magic bullet. No one forex robot will make serious profit (and I mean serious profit, not sure a little bit) day after day, week after week, year after year.

You see market conditions change, one type of technical indicator might only be good one day, and no good the next.

Robots can't change.

OK I am sure that some "marketing gurus" will have told you that their forex robot has artificial intelligence and can automatically adapt to the market?

Well.. sorry to break it you but they are telling you that to make you buy their product.